Campaign to Lead, Educate, Assist and Remove the Mental Illness Stigma
- APA Distinguished Life Fellow
- Past President of Mississippi Psychiatric Association
- Assembly Representative for 10 years
- Authored many action papers on PHP, Medical Education, Social Security, etc.
- Developed Mentorship Program for Area 5
- MD from Sri Venkateswara Medical College, India
- Psychiatry Residency, University of Kansas Medical Center
- Academician for 16 years (East Carolina University, Wright State University, University of Mississippi)
- Founder and CEO of Psycamore Partial Hospital Programs
- Private Practice of Psychiatry for 22 years
- Former Vice-Chairman of Clinical Affairs, University of Mississippi
If I am elected, I will work toward:
Making the APA more diverse:
- By ensuring diversity is incorporated into the APA culture;
- By ensuring no psychiatrist will be judged by the color of their skin or their country of origin;
Making the APA stronger:
- By promoting investment in alternative Board Certifications and non-pharma therapeutic products;
- By improving membership recruitment and retention by reducing membership fees
Making the APA more meaningful:
- By reducing mental illness stigma;
- By improving the public image of psychiatry